Sportkletter Auswahlführer Schwäbische Alb
Reutlingen - Urach - Lenningen - Ostalb - Blautal
With the re-bolting of many crags in the last years the Schwäbische Alb became a really good sportclimbing region with an important rule in the German climbing areas. Especially in the lower grades the climbs on the Schwäbische Alb are extremely varied and interesting as in not many other areas in the world. But also for the "professional" climber pocketed overhangs offer routes up to the 11th UIAA grade.
With the improved protection many of this excellent routes are climbable now also for climbers just starting with this beautiful sport. If you want to know which crags of the Schwäbische Alb are best to start with, this book is an indispensable companion, and also the experienced climber will find tons of worthwhile climbs!
Authors: Ulrich and Harald Röker
- 61 crags and more than 2200 routes on 384 pages
- 5 new crags and more than 450 new routes (compared to the 2nd edition)
- Important information also in English
- Tips for beginners
- Tips for worthwhile routes
- "Corrected" grading
- Exact information how to get there including maps
- Hand-drawn topos, each a work of art
- Detailed topos with the exact course of the routes and fixed protection points
- Helpful detailed route comments to most routes
- Description of the situation of the crags and the climate
- Tips about culture/nature
- Tips where to go for food/drink
- Excellent coloured photos
German / in parts English